Toll Enforcement Invoice

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Make a Payment

Toll Enforcement Invoice

If you have received a Toll Enforcement Invoice and would like to make a payment, complete the fields below and select Look Up.

(Enter numbers only)
Please enter the Invoice Number

(Plate only-no state)
Please enter the Plate Number

Uniform Traffic Citation

If you have received a Uniform Traffic Citation and would like to make a payment, complete the fields below and select Look Up.

(Plate only-no state)
Please enter the Plate Number

Pay Without an Invoice or Citation

Have you recently passed through a toll lane without stopping to pay cash and you do not have an active transponder? You can pay the toll(s) before receiving a Toll Enforcement Invoice or a Uniform Traffic Citation, by completing the fields below and selecting Look Up.

Enter the plate number and zip code of the registered vehicle.

Please enter the Plate Number

Please enter the Zip Code

Invoice Sample Icon